Delay Signing VSTO Add-In Projects

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

As promised, another post on actually writing code as I've been busy trying the help the p&p DocTools project out the door. One of the final hurdles was getting the VSTO Word Document Add-In use delay signing. I was missing a key step in this process... Build ...

Presenting at Agile ’07

Monday, May 21st, 2007

So Eric Carter and I will be presenting at Agile 2007... Agility and the Inconceivably Large. I'll also be doing something in the Open Spaces sessions if I can get my act together. I attended last year's conference, had a great time and learnt a lot in the process.

The Excel LCID Proxy and “closure”

Tuesday, November 7th, 2006

A while back Eric blogged about How VSTO solves the Excel LCID or Locale issue using a transparent proxy object. While I didn't write the original code I did spend a fair amount of time working on it. The LCID Proxy ensures that all calls to the Excel OM are called using ...

Can I run Office behind an ASP.NET page?

Monday, September 18th, 2006

So people ask me this all the time, so I thought I'd blog about it... Actually normally they say something like "I tried to launch Office on behind an ASP page and it [ errors | performance sucks | fails to save | etc ]". Here's the answer. The primary scenario for using ...

ServerDocument Rules of the Road

Saturday, July 1st, 2006

Another question people ask me a lot is what the rules of the road are for using VSTO on the Server with the ServerDocument class. Typically because they're trying to add a customization on a machine that doesn't have Office installed using ServerDocument.AddCustomization. The problem is that AddCustomization behaves differently depending on ...