Using CUDA and Thrust with Visual Studio 2010

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

Using CUDA 4.0 RC2? Read the update post here. I was working on setting up some new CUDA projects as I’m doing some spiking (prototyping for the not so agile crowd) work to figure out how best to use CUDA 4.0. I’ve turned it in to a quick tutorial on how ...

What’s Next for Parallel Programming and Visual Studio?

Monday, January 17th, 2011

If you’re interested in some of the things that Microsoft is thinking about when it comes to parallel programming and Visual Studio then you should definitely check out this talk. While I was off speaking in Sweden, China and Japan everyone else was at TechEd Europe in Berlin. Here’s what ...

CUDA and Intellisense updated

Sunday, December 12th, 2010

I updated my post on adding intellisense support for CUDA. Visual Studio 2010 Adding Intellisense Support for CUDA C It now includes more instructions on setting the project include path and what headers need to be included.

Visual Studio 2010 Adding Intellisense Support for CUDA C

Thursday, October 28th, 2010

Someone asked me how to get intellisense working with CUDA files. So here’s a quick post on the couple of simple steps it takes to get it working… The following assumes you’ve setup a CUDA project with the correct include paths and it builds correctly.

A Guide to Parallel Programming – Drafts of Chapters 3 & 4

Monday, May 31st, 2010

We’ve just dropped another two chapters and sample code to the Parallel Programming Guide to CodePlex site. These next two draft chapters are: Chapter 3 Parallel Tasks Chapter 2 shows how you can use a parallel loop to ...