Software Factories, more great happenings

Friday, January 4th, 2008

A couple of interesting developments in the Software Factory space over the holidays... 1) Bob Brumfield - who's taken over from me as the Lead Developer on Service Factory: Modeling Edition for Visual Studio 2008 managed to ship a CTP while everyone was on vacation. Yes, a CTP of Service factory: ...

Renaming a DSL model element

Tuesday, December 4th, 2007

One of the things that proved to be move complicated than it should have been when we were developing the DSLs for the Service Factory: Modeling Edition was renaming DSL model elements. This sounds easy; open the DSL designer, rename the element and then transform all templates to regenerate the code. ...

Test Driven Development with DSL Tools

Saturday, November 17th, 2007

When we were writing Service Factory: Modeling Edition we tried really hard to do some Test Driven Development (TDD) or at the very least write some unit tests around our code. In some cases the approaches we took led to some shortcomings or the code coverage wasn't as high as ...

Developing a model centric software factory

Friday, November 9th, 2007

Time to look back on the last eight or so months of building and (finally) shipping Service Factory: Modeling Edition. I thought it might be interesting to think back to some of the things that caught us unawares when building a model centric factory using DSLs on top of GAT/GAX. Bob (Dev) ...

Service Factory model validation

Thursday, November 8th, 2007

Now Service Factory: Modeling Edition has finally shipped I felt obligated to write some stuff about it. As Dev Lead I didn't actually get to write a lot of code but one place I did get my hands grubby was the validation framework. In the process of putting together our presentation ...