I’m Writing Another Book. This time on C++ AMP

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

So I’m excited to announce that I’m writing another book. This time it’s on data parallel programming with C++ AMP. Kate Gregory and I are writing a book on C++ AMP. I’ve been spending a lot of time writing some of the case study applications and samples as well as ...

Geek Vacation Day #2: Going Native 2012

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

Another great morning at Going Native 2012. Herb Sutter’s keynote on future plans for C++ was really interesting. But so far what’s really impressed me is the CLang compiler’s error and warning handling. I think this would really help the usability of C++. Often half the battle is ...

Seattle GPU Meetup

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011

Managed to attend my first Seattle HPC & GPU Supercomputing meetup in Bellevue last night. A lot more people than expected. A couple of interesting speakers from MicroWay and AMD talking about AMD’s latest offerings and experiences with OpenCL. It’s sort of interesting how far things have ...

Visual Studio 2010 and CUDA

Sunday, May 8th, 2011

So I finally got around to taking a stab at getting the CUDA 4.0 RC2 SDK up and running in between talks at ALT.NET Seattle. I’m really hoping this is the last tutorial. It’s gotten a lot simpler to build CUDA on Windows in the last couple of releases. Update June 19th ...

Using CUDA and Thrust with VS 2010 Part 2: x64 Builds

Saturday, April 9th, 2011

In the first part of this tutorial I covered getting started with CUDA on Visual Studio 2010. The post didn’t talk about building x64 targets. A couple of people asked about this so I’ve upgraded the example to build both x86 and x64. This is very easy to do provided ...