Sunday, August 1st, 2021
So blogging sort of dropped of the map while I was building an analytics platform at Tier3/CenturyLink Cloud and now a live video transcoding engine at iStreamPlanet. For the most part I spend my time writing C++ so there just might be some more posts on that. I've also been ...
Tags: C++
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Thursday, November 13th, 2014
Finally there’s a new release of the C++ AMP Algorithms Library! This release contains some important bug fixes on 0.9.4. Fixed array initialization bug in radix_sort count_if no longer uses an excessively large number of threads, even for small problem sizes. ...
Tags: C++, C++AMP, GPGPU
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Thursday, October 2nd, 2014
Finally there’s a new release of the C++ AMP Algorithms Library! It’s taken a while, largely due to other things, like CppCon taking up my time. This release contains the following: New C++ AMP features: ...
Tags: C++, C++AMP, GPGPU
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Wednesday, April 30th, 2014
Recently I’ve been using the Visual Studio unit test runner for C++ and came across a trick for adding categories to C++ tests. While the test framework supports traits, a little work makes them much more usable. BEGIN_TEST_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE(methodName)
Tags: C++, C++AMP, Visual Studio
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Friday, January 31st, 2014
You can use classes with C++ AMP but you have to understand the limitations the CPU/GPU hardware model places on how and were you can use them. The C++ AMP Book says the following: References and pointers (to a compatible type) may be used locally but ...
Tags: C++, C++AMP
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