A bit about me…
Ade Miller currently works for CenturyLink Cloud, formally Tier 3. He is a member of the agile development team which is responsible for all aspects of the cloud platform. CenturyLink Cloud offers a complete cloud management platform for mid-tier to large enterprises, as well as SaaS providers.
Prior to joining Tier 3 Ade worked at Microsoft for ten years. He had several roles including; Software Architect with Microsoft Studios, Program Manager with the Windows HPC Server 2008 R2 team working on LINQ to HPC and Development Lead for Microsoft’s patterns & practices group. Before joining Microsoft, Ade worked on a variety of interesting projects including a web start-up, embedded languages, and High Performance Computing.
Ade’s primary interests are parallel and distributed computing and improving the way teams develop software through engineering leadership. He is one of the authors of C++ AMP: Accelerated Massive Parallelism with Microsoft Visual C++, Parallel Programming with Microsoft Visual C++ and Parallel Programming with Microsoft .NET. Ade also writes and speaks about parallel computing and his experiences with agile software development at Microsoft and elsewhere. Ade received his BSc and PhD in Physics from the University of Southampton, UK.
That’s probably more than you really needed to know but if not you can always read my LinkedIn resume and list of current publications. You could also look me up on StackOverflow.
A bit about this blog…
I originally started this blog on Windows Live as a journal of my adventures in agile software development. Since then it’s grown to cover some of the more interesting aspects of agile which I have first hand experiences in; distributed teams and large teams.
I still occasionally write code so there’s also a lot of posts on that, including some of the weird things I’ve been doing with parallel code, scientific or technical computing. You can’t talk about the same thing all the time so the same blog now covers some of the hardware I’ve built or bought and some experiments in Green (low power) computing.
Ade Miller, May 2012.