Building a Green Windows Home Server
Monday, September 8, 2008 – 7:08 PM Here’s the complete list of posts so far on building a Windows Home Server. The server is built with off the shelf low power consumption components and only uses 37W when idle. It’s also configured to run near silently under low server loads:
- Choosing the Hardware – Choosing low power consumption components for your server.
- Putting it Together – Assembling the pieces. How anyone can bolt together a basic PC.
- Installing the Software – Installing Windows Home Server and configuring the BIOS for low power usage.
- Conclusions – What would I have done differently? How to save more money and how green is it?
- The 37W Server! – Idle power consumption of only 37 Watts, about half the consumption of an HP MediaSmart server, with equivalent performance.
- A Quieter Server – Reconfiguring the CPU cooler and case fans to get near silent operation under light server loads.
- Fan Configuration – An addendum with some more details on wiring up the fans within the case.
More posts on Windows Home Server are indexed here. Stuff like how to run Subversion or Logitech’s Squeezebox server on your home server.
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