Thursday, January 11, 2007 – 6:00 AMSo Jo Cranford passed me and a bunch of other Agile ’06 attendees a blog-tag. It’s sort of like a game you might play at parties.
So… here are five things that most people wouldn’t know about me. This turns out to be a little tricky as lots of stuff about me is already online. Here are a few random bits of trivia:
- A long time ago I completed a Physics PhD. So technically you can call me "Doctor Miller". During some of the duller moments of figuring out the finer points of counting galaxy populations and medical imaging I started playing with the Web. I ended up running FutureNet which is how I moved from physics to software development.
- I have a pullup bar in my front hallway. At the last count I could do 32 kipping pullups. This is all part of what can only be described as an unhealthy attitude to exercise.
- Back in the 80s, during my grunge period, I didn’t wash my hair for over two years. One day I’ll dig out some pictures.
- I’ve been to six of the seven continents and climbed on five of them.
- I saw Nirvana’s last UK appearence and Skinny Puppy’s only ever UK gig.
Most of the people I know who blog are fellow Microsurfs so I’m going to tag Alan Ridlehoover, Peter Provost, Brad Wilson, Eric Carter and the CrossFit Eastside crew.
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