Review: Beal Iceline 8.1mm 60m Ropes

So I’ve had these for a year and a half and as you might imagine they’ve seen some pretty hard times. Too hard in fact. I had to retire one of them the other day when the cord started showing through at around the midway point on one of pair. The other one is looking pretty frayed in at least one place too. Now given they’ve seen me through trips to the Yukon and The Waddington plus a winter in the North Cascades and a couple of summer routes to boot I’m not exactly complaining.

The one thing that did concern me was the amount of sheath slippage that seemed to be occuring. Even if I’d not sliced one of them I think they were on there way out either way. I’d sort of hoped they’d be a bit more durable but they have seen a lot of abuse. The dry coating seemed to hold up OK too. They’re very thin so bear that in mind when rapping on them, it can mean a pretty quick rappel. You can put another biner behind the belay device to add more friction.

I guess my conclusion is that they’re really good alpine cords – very light and nice and bouncy for absorbing falls on sketchy gear. Just don’t expect them to last that long. You can have cheap, light or durable but not all three at once. I’d buy them again but would plan to replace them in less than two years.

Note: Black Diamond sells this rope also. BD ropes are Beals.

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  1. Confession… I’m a Luddite | #2782 - Agile software development and best practices for building Microsoft .NET applications.:

    […] lineup gave it much competition. All is right with the world. Plus I can still say I own a set of climbing ropes that cost more than the […]