Homepage / Climbing / Alaska and the Yukon / Mount Augusta, North Ridge
Forth ascent with Paul Knott, Paul Mead and Rob Wilson, May 1993
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Suburban Yakutat.
Downtown Yakutat.
Our first ski plane ride. Nervous?
Augusta from the air.
Survived the flight in.
Wandering around the Seward in flat light.
Crevasse inspection on the Seward, do not try this at home.
Crevasse inspection from above, much safer.
Rob Wilson at basecamp, the Hummingbird Ridge rises behind him.
Augusta from basecamp.
Paul climbing the slopes of Pt 10000'.
Looking along the east ridge from Pt. 10000' to Augusta.
Paul high on the North Ridge of Mount Augusta.
Looking out from the summit slopes of Augusta.
A cold and windy summit.
Some french guy we met on the glacier?
Basecamp with Logan behind.
Paul Mead festering and waiting for the weather.

Mount Augusta, North Ridge

Not much to say about this now. It all seems to long ago... What there is can be found in the original expedition report, British Mount Augusta Expedition 1993


Mount Augusta, North Ridge 14,070' (7000').

Second ascent of the route and first British ascent. Surprisingly this was also only the forth ascent of the mountain. Further details can be found in “Alaska a Climbing Guide”, Michael Wood & Colby Coombs, p167.