Where Bugs Really Go To Die, Your Product Documentation

Saturday, August 3rd, 2013

From somewhere not so agile and written from a documentation writer’s perspective. We’ve all heard this story… Too many bugs to fix for the Beta 1 milestone? Punt them to Beta 2. Of course during the Beta 2 milestone you fix some of the high priority ...

Its True… Your Intestines Can Do Math

Friday, May 7th, 2010

Or… The evils of hope and the endless battle of crushing math versus the reasoning power of our lower bowels. We’ve all been there at one point or another. Half way through an iteration and things aren’t going quite as planned. The team of four engineers has two weeks left on their ...

Agile 2009: The Scrum Bestiary, A Behavioral Taxonomy

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009

Thanks to everyone who attended my workshop on the Scrum Bestiary today at Agile 2009. You can download the deck here. It comes with speaker notes so isn’t completely incomprehensible. The original Scrum Bestiary can was written up as a series of blog posts and summarized ...

Agile 2009

Monday, July 20th, 2009

In a somewhat unusual turn of events I’ve actually found the time to write my decks for Agile 2009 early this year. This never happens! I invariably arrive at the venue with a 90% complete deck and fill in the blanks as I talk to attendees. However, this ...

Help Review Agile 2009 Talk and Paper Submissions

Thursday, February 5th, 2009

The deadline for submissions to Agile 2009 rapidly approaches! It’s Feb 13th. We’re busy reviewing submissions for the Agile & Organizational Culture stage and I’m sure the other stages are busy too. If you’re not planning on giving a talk you can still attend the ...