Saturday, August 28th, 2010
This year’s GPU Technology Conference is in San Jose which is pretty much my part of the World so I thought I’d talk a busman’s holiday in mid-September and check it out. There’s several pre-conference tutorials on the basics of CUDA, DirectCompute, OpenCL as well as a ...
Tags: CUDA, Events, Performance
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Saturday, April 17th, 2010
I’ve put the decks for today’s talks online you can download them. Due to the erupting volcano in Iceland Tiberiu Covaci couldn’t make Code Camp so Reed Copsey and I filled in the gaps. Talk Videos will be appearing here soon. Fast… Faster… FASTER! Adventures in ...
Tags: Events,, p&p, Parallel Computing, Performance
Thursday, April 8th, 2010
My talk, “Fast… Faster… FASTER!” got accepted at Seattle Code Camp. I’ll be speaking at 10:15 on Saturday 17th. In a rare display of organization I’ve even started writing the deck with a little help from Banksy on the graphics. I’ll also be putting some more of the source code ...
Tags: Coding, Events, Parallel Computing, Performance, Seattle
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Tuesday, November 24th, 2009
Need to know how big the caches are on your processor? You could wade through the copious documentation on Intel or AMD’s web sites. It turns out this is no fun at all. I did this last week and still didn’t have the answer after skimming several white papers. ...
Tags: Parallel Computing, Performance
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Tuesday, September 1st, 2009
In part 1 and part 2 of my thread on C# optimization there was a lot of talk about algorithms and the like. The next two posts take a different tack… first re-implementing the same algorithm using different languages and then in a different language and hardware. It turns out ...
Tags: C#, Coding, Concurrency,, Parallel Computing, Performance