
A list of reviewed publications, white papers, technical reports and other writing related to computing and physics.

Computing – Formal publications

Reviewed publications, books and white papers:

Kate Gregory and Ade Miller (2012) C++ AMP: Accelerated Massive Parallelism with Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft Press, ISBN 978-0-7356-6473-9 (hardcopy book).

Colin Campbell and Ade Miller (2011) Parallel Programming with Microsoft Visual C++: Design Patterns for Decomposition and Coordination on Multicore Architectures, Microsoft Press, ISBN 978-0-7356-5175-3 (hardcopy book and MSDN online content).

Colin Campbell, Ralph Johnson, Ade Miller and Stephen Toub (2010) Parallel Programming with Microsoft .NET: Design Patterns for Decomposition and Coordination on Multicore Architectures, Microsoft Press, ISBN 978-0-7356-5159-3 (hardcopy book and MSDN online content).

Ade Miller (2010) The Task Graph Pattern, ParaPLoP 2010, 30 Mar-1 Apr, Carefree, AZ (paper).

Ade Miller (2008) Distributed Agile Development at Microsoft patterns & practices, MSDN white paper (paper).

Ade Miller (2008) A Hundred Days of Continuous Integration, Agile 2008, 4-8 Aug, Toronto, Canada (paper, errata and slide deck).

Ade Miller and Eric Carter (2007) Agility and the Inconceivably Large, Agile 2007, 13-17 Aug, Washington DC. (paper and slide deck)

Dragos Manolescu, Wojtek Kozaczynski, Ade Miller and Jason Hogg (2007) The Growing Divide in the Patterns World, IEEE Software Magazine, 24 #4, (Jul/Aug 2007), 61-67. (paper)

Ade Miller (2003) Taking XML Based Content Creation to the Masses, Submitted to XML Europe 2003, London. (abstract only)

Computing – Technical reports and writing

In addition to blogging I have also contributed to documentation and patents:

LINQ to HPC Overview and Programmer’s Guide (Beta 2), In Microsoft Developer Network, July 2011.

Microsoft patterns & practices group, Web Service Software Factory: Modeling Edition, In Microsoft Developer Network, Feb 2008.

Eric Carter, Jackson Davis and Adrian Miller (2005) Non-Destructive Debugging for Add-Inspatent #20060277527.

Adrian S. Miller and James P. Lawyer (2002) Web-Based XML Document Processing System, patent application, Nov 2002.

Ade Miller, Nathan Woods and Chris Bova (1999) Duwamish Books, Phase 3.5: VBA, In Microsoft Developer Network, Dec 1999.

I also reviewed and contributed to numerous patterns & practices deliverables, including; The Application Architecture Guide 2.0 and Acceptance Test Engineering Guidance.

Ade Miller (1997) An Introduction to programming in Java. PC Answers (three issues), Future Publishing Ltd,

Ade Miller (1997) Programming the PlayStation, Future Publishing Ltd,

Physics – Research papers

I completed a PhD at the Physics Department’s Astronomy Group at The Southampton of University in the early 90s. Like all good academics I tried to publish lots of papers and eventually a PhD thesis:

Miller A.S. and Coe M.J. (1996) Star Galaxy Classification Using Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. (1996) 279, 293-300.

Miller A.S. (1993) The Application of Neural Networks to Imaging and Signal Processing in Astronomy and Medicine. Phd Thesis, University of Southampton. (abstract)

Miller A.S. (1993) A Review of Neural Network Applications in Astronomy. Vistas in Astronomy, 36, 141-161.

Miller A.S. and Yearworth M. (1992) Neural Network Based Event Selection in the INTEGRAL Gamma-Ray Telescope, In New Computation Techniques in Physics Research II, Ed. Perret Gallix D., World Scientific, Singapore, ISBN 981-02-1122-8, 473-8.

Miller A.S., Blott B.H. and Hames T.K. (1992) Review of Neural Network Applications in Medical Imaging and Signal Processing. Med. and Biol. Eng., 30, Sept., 449-464.

Yearworth M. and Miller A.S. (1991) Neural Network Reduction of Gamma-Ray Telescope Data, Surface Noise, 5, Sept. 1991, 28-34.

Miller A.S., Blott B.H. and Hames T.K. (1991) Neural Networks for Electrical Impedance Tomography Image Characterization. Clin. Phys. Physio. Meas., 12(A), 119-123.

Yearworth M. and Miller A.S. (1990) Pattern Recognition in Position Sensitive Detectors. In Proc. IEE 2nd Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks, 18-20 Nov, Bournemouth, UK, IEE conf. pub. 346.

Physics – Technical reports and writing

My yearly contributions to the University of Southampton’s High Performance Computing research reports. While working at the H.P.C. Center in 1994 I also coordinated the production of that year’s report in addition to my contributions to several editions.

Miller A.S. and Wheatley D. (1994) Parallel Line of Site Analysis using the Grass GIS, In High performance Computing at the University of Southampton, p60.

Blott J.B., Zahedkoochak M., Miller A.S. and Killingback A.L.T. (1992) Electrical Impedance Tomography, In Parallel Computing in the University of Southampton, p23.

Miller A.S. and Coe M.J. (1992) Binary Star Modelling, In Parallel Computing in the University of Southampton, p18.

Miller A.S. (1991) Neural Network Reduction of Gamma-Ray Telescope Data, In Parallel Computing in the University of Southampton, p45.

Blott J.B., Zahedkoochak M., Miller A.S. and Killingback A.L.T. (1991) Electrical Impedance Tomography, In Parallel Computing in the University of Southampton, p20.

Some of these reports are in Adobe PDF format a free reader is available for download from Adobe.

See my personal site for a summary of my non-technical writing.