C++AMP Samples Updated for Visual Studio 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013 – 3:04 PM

Visual Studio 2013 shipped last week and I found some time to look at the new C++AMP features over the weekend. Most importantly to make sure that the book samples still work. The 1.0 (VS 2013 compatible) release fixes a couple of warnings in the DX Util library and one issue with the C++ AMP upgrade.

writeonly_texture_view<T, N> has been deprecated in the 2013 release. The texture_view<T, N> template class now includes this functionality. You can read more about this on the Parallel Programming and Native Code blog.

You’ll find the following in several places in the Chapter 11 sample code.

#if (_MSC_VER >= 1800)
texture_view<int, 2> outputTxVw(outputTx);
writeonly_texture_view<int, 2> outputTxVw(outputTx);

Note: The C++AMP Algorithms Library has not yet been upgraded to VS 2013. I’m working on that.

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