New CQRS Book! Starts With Some Heavy Drinking with Greg Young

Saturday, September 14, 2013 – 11:40 PM

cqrsWhat happens when you go to an ALT.NET open conference in Vancouver with Bob and go drinking with Greg Young?

The obvious outcome is that on Saturday night you find yourself in a bar with Greg and some others drinking way more that is really advisable. Turns out that Greg can say “we’ll have another round” to any passing server while still holding another conversation, even what it’s not his turn to buy. Impressive.

Of course the end result is that I woke up the next morning with a stinking hangover and the vague feeling that we might have come up with a solution to the Turing halting problem. Unfortunately neither of us could decipher the incoherent scribbling on the napkin Bob brought home.

End of story right? No. One of the things that we did remember was that Greg convinced us that CQRS was a “good thing”. When we got back to Redmond we started to convince the patterns & practices group that CQRS was such a good thing that they should do something with it. Chris Tavares did some prototyping but things took time and one way or another, Chris, Bob and I all moved on to other things.

Thankfully Grigori Melnik, Eugenio Pace and Christopher Bennage and the rest of the patterns & practices team picked up the torch. They did the real work of engaging Greg and many other people in the development community.

You can imagine how pleased I was when I visited the patterns & practices team a few weeks ago to discover all this hard work had been turned into a book! Grigori gave me a copy and it looks really good. The sort of guidance that made me so proud to be involved with p&p for several years.

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