C++ AMP (Rough Cuts Version) Available

Monday, March 26, 2012 – 10:55 PM

cppamp_rcO’Reilly have released the book Kate Gregory and I are writing under their Rough Cuts imprint. This means you can read some of the first chapters right now and get a copy of the completed book (paper or electronic) when it’s published.

We’d love your feedback. This is your chance to get the inside scoop from the authors and (indirectly) the developers on the product team as they put the finishing touches to C++ AMP and we finish the book.

I’m looking for other ways to get content out to people and get feedback. Watch this space!

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  2. Mar 27, 2012: Dew Drop – March 27, 2012 (#1,295) | Alvin Ashcraft's Morning Dew
  3. Mar 30, 2012: Link Resource # 44 : Mar 24 – Mar 31 « Dactylonomy of Web Resource

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