A Week of Talks…
Sunday, March 27, 2011 – 7:06 PMThis week seems to be pretty hectic… but in a good way. Tuesday I’m talking at UC Berkeley as part of the Par Lab Seminar Series.
Enabling Parallelism for Productivity Programmers with Patterns, Frameworks, and Languages
Helping productivity programmers develop applications that run well on multicore hardware is one of major challenges to broad adoption of parallel programming. This talk covers some of the work going on at Microsoft to enable Windows developers write applications that target today’s multicore architectures. It gives an overview of the new frameworks, language features added in Visual Studio 2010 to support parallel programming and the patterns they enable.
I’ll be posting the deck here and a bunch of other resources once I’ve given the talk.
Then on Wednesday I fly back and give a talk on winter climbing in the Cascades as one of a set of speakers for the Marmot Mountain Works slideshow.
The rest of the week…writing specs to make sure we deliver the best possible programming experience for DryadLINQ.
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