Archive for March, 2011

Enabling Parallelism for Productivity Programmers

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

I got to spend some time on the beautiful UC Berkeley campus today, giving a talk as part of the Par Lab Seminar Series and got away from rainy Redmond… will it ever end?! More to the point I had some interesting conversations with some of the faculty and students ...

A Week of Talks…

Sunday, March 27th, 2011

This week seems to be pretty hectic… but in a good way. Tuesday I’m talking at UC Berkeley as part of the Par Lab Seminar Series. Enabling Parallelism for Productivity Programmers with Patterns, Frameworks, and Languages Helping productivity programmers develop applications that run ...

Parallel Programming with Microsoft Visual C++

Wednesday, March 9th, 2011

Last fall we shipped Parallel Programming for Microsoft .NET and immediately started working on a companion version of the book for C++ programmers. I’m very happy to announce that Parallel Programming with Microsoft Visual C++: Design patterns for Decomposition, and Coordination on Multicore Architectures is now available! Please feel free to ...

Using CUDA and Thrust with Visual Studio 2010

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

Using CUDA 4.0 RC2? Read the update post here. I was working on setting up some new CUDA projects as I’m doing some spiking (prototyping for the not so agile crowd) work to figure out how best to use CUDA 4.0. I’ve turned it in to a quick tutorial on how ...