Archive for May, 2010

A Guide to Parallel Programming – Drafts of Chapters 3 & 4

Monday, May 31st, 2010

We’ve just dropped another two chapters and sample code to the Parallel Programming Guide to CodePlex site. These next two draft chapters are: Chapter 3 Parallel Tasks Chapter 2 shows how you can use a parallel loop to ...

Microsoft’s Technical Computing Initiative

Monday, May 17th, 2010

I’m so excited to see Microsoft has announced it’s Technical Computing Initiative. You can see a bunch of interviewers with key people both inside and outside of Microsoft have to say here  There’s lots of videos. As Tony Hey says (in his video on the site): “We did 20 years of research ...

Reflections on ParaPLoP 2010

Monday, May 10th, 2010

I was lucky enough to attend ParaPLoP 2010 at the end of March. I got to meet many of the people I’d only know as voices on the end of the phone during the monthly Our Pattern Language workshops. You can see the papers we workshopped here. ...

Its True… Your Intestines Can Do Math

Friday, May 7th, 2010

Or… The evils of hope and the endless battle of crushing math versus the reasoning power of our lower bowels. We’ve all been there at one point or another. Half way through an iteration and things aren’t going quite as planned. The team of four engineers has two weeks left on their ...