Archive for November, 2009

Five Minutes with Tibi Covaci at PDC 09

Tuesday, November 24th, 2009

While I was at PDC Tibi Covaci interviewed me as part of his Five Minutes with… series. You can see the full interview here. Five Minutes with Ade Miller Ade Miller, manager of the Patterns and Practices group talks to Tibi about the ...

How Big is Your Processor Cache? Find out with Coreinfo

Tuesday, November 24th, 2009

Need to know how big the caches are on your processor? You could wade through the copious documentation on Intel or AMD’s web sites. It turns out this is no fun at all. I did this last week and still didn’t have the answer after skimming several white papers. ...

Become a patterns & practices Developer!

Thursday, November 19th, 2009

I have an opening on the patterns & practices team for a developer. These don’t come up very often and they tend to get filled pretty fast. If you’re interested then read on… You can find out more about p&p by visiting our developer center; who we are and ...

PDC, Parallel Computing and the Computer Controlled Toilet

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

One of the questions which came up in the Q&A panel at the end of our parallel patterns workshop on Monday was “Do we really need 512 cores, or even 24?” This is completely valid point. If I had that much compute power on the desktop what would I do ...

PDC Patterns of Parallel Programming Workshop

Tuesday, November 17th, 2009

I was speaking at our PDC Workshop today. We had a couple of hundred attendees and finished up with a great Q&A session; so many excellent questions that it actually overran. We didn’t leave the Conference Center until gone 6pm. I’ve posted Patterns of Parallel Programming Primer. The other PDC decks ...