Archive for May, 2009
Thursday, May 21st, 2009
Registration for ALT.NET Canada opened yesterday. If the Seattle one is anything to go by it’ll fill up fast. It’s the 12-14th June in downtown Vancouver. I’m registered and should be able to make it although I don’t have money for the hotel – there’s a floor somewhere ...
Tags: ALT.NET, Events, Vancouver
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Tuesday, May 19th, 2009
So this is something that’s been doing the rounds at p&p for a while, Peter Provost and I have given this talk at Microsoft and Peter has taken it to TechEd and the p&p Summit. Peter says he got the idea from Brian Button and it evolved from there. In ...
Tags: agile
Monday, May 18th, 2009
I spent an hour or so a week or so back talking to David Starr, of Elegant Code fame, about distributed agile development and some of the things we’ve discovered while running distributed team at p&p. If you’re running or working on a distributed team then you might find ...
Tags: agile, Distributed teams, Events
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Tuesday, May 12th, 2009
How efficient is your PC? Here’s a thought… How about taking some ideas from the peopl e who run data centers? Turns out data centers use a measure called Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) to assess how energy efficient they are: Power usage effectiveness (PUE) is a ...
Tags: Green IT, Hardware
Friday, May 8th, 2009
Update: New version of this for the final Windows 7 release is here!
I’ve been making regular updates to my Windows 7 RC on the Samsung NC10 Netbook post. If you’ve put Windows 7 RC on your NC10 and have had problems or figured out workarounds post them in the comments ...
Tags: Hardware, Netbooks, Windows 7
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