Archive for May, 2009

ALT.NET Canada

Thursday, May 21st, 2009

Registration for ALT.NET Canada opened yesterday. If the Seattle one is anything to go by it’ll fill up fast. It’s the 12-14th June in downtown Vancouver. I’m registered and should be able to make it although I don’t have money for the hotel – there’s a floor somewhere ...

The Agile Talk on Agility

Tuesday, May 19th, 2009

So this is something that’s been doing the rounds at p&p for a while, Peter Provost and I have given this talk at Microsoft and Peter has taken it to TechEd and the p&p Summit. Peter says he got the idea from Brian Button and it evolved from there. In ...

Elegant Code Cast on Distributed Agile Development

Monday, May 18th, 2009

I spent an hour or so a week or so back talking to David Starr, of Elegant Code fame, about distributed agile development and some of the things we’ve discovered while running distributed team at p&p. If you’re running or working on a distributed team then you might find ...

How Green is Your PC? Estimating Power Usage Effectiveness

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

How efficient is your PC? Here’s a thought… How about taking some ideas from the peopl e who run data centers? Turns out data centers use a measure called Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) to assess how energy efficient they are: Power usage effectiveness (PUE) is a ...

Windows 7 RC on the Samsung NC10 Netbook Updated

Friday, May 8th, 2009

Update: New version of this for the final Windows 7 release is here! I’ve been making regular updates to my Windows 7 RC on the Samsung NC10 Netbook post. If you’ve put Windows 7 RC on your NC10 and have had problems or figured out workarounds post them in the comments ...