N-Body Modeling and Technical Computing Resources

Thursday, April 16, 2009 – 9:20 AM

Someone asked for a list of resources on N-Body modeling. I had a bunch of links in my favorites so here they are. I also threw in some more on technical computing and writing high performance code.

N-Body modeling

Here’s a list of resources on N-body modeling starting with some introductory material and getting more specific as you go down the list. If your interested I’d definitely recommend the tutorials in The Art of Computational Science.

Introduction to the N-body problem

The Art of Computational Science

N-body simulations (gravitational) – Scholarpedia

On Simulations of Galaxy Dynamics and Their Application to Physics Education

N-body-Particle Simulation Methods

Runge–Kutta methods – Wikipedia

 The XStar N-Body Solver Theory of Operation

Gravitational N-Body Methods (introductory chapter) – Sverre Aarseth

Sverre Aarseth’s Institute of Astronomy N-Body and Downloads Page

Specific implementations like tree codes

Most implementations seem to use hierarchical (tree) based implementations – first implemented by Barnes (see below).

CS267: Fast Hierarchical Methods for the N-body Problem (Berkeley)

Treecode Guide – Joshua E. Barnes

A fast parallel object-oriented numerical algorithm

Particle Applications – Pipeline Computing

Fast N-body Simulation with CUDA

Technical computing with .NET

Some general resources on writing numerical codes using .NET and also CUDA.

Parallel Computing Developer Center

Parallel Programming with .NET

Parallel Performance Optimize Managed Code For Multi-Core Machines

.NET Matters False Sharing

How to Wrap Native Class for Use by C#

CUDA Zone—Learn about CUDA

Dr. Dobb’s CUDA, Supercomputing for the Masses Part 1 April 15, 2008


Also: Find out more about Technical Computing @ Microsoft.

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