I’m Speaking at the patterns & practices Summit

Tuesday, September 16, 2008 – 4:00 AM

I’ll be speaking at this year’s patterns & practices Summit in Redmond, 3-7 Nov. The provisional lineup is now available.

I’m also writing a white paper on the same topic. If there are things you’d like to see covered in the talk or paper then I’m looking for feedback. Post a comment on this blog entry.

Here’s the current title and abstract for the talk and paper:

Distributed Agile Development at Microsoft patterns & practices

Distributed development is a fact of life for many agile teams. Unfortunately most agile methodologies or approaches tend to assume that the team is co-located in a single team room. They give little guidance as to how to address team distribution although best practices are starting to emerge within the community.

Microsoft’s patterns & practices group has been following an agile, distributed development approach for several years. During that time teams within this group have experimented extensively with different approaches to best address the challenges of distributed agile development. This paper outlines the challenges faced by distributed agile teams and details some of the best practices to address these issues and build successful distributed teams.

I look forward to hearing from you or seeing you at the summit. I’ll sell out so if you’re planning on attending, book soon.

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