Microsoft p&p Summit 2008 Announced

Wednesday, July 16, 2008 – 4:00 AM

dead_guy_aleDates for p&p Summit 2008 have been announced: November 3rd to 7th 2008. Lots of exciting speakers like Kent Beck will be there for you and some not so exciting ones… like me.

Apparently I’m speaking. How do I know? Well my name appears on the presenters page along with a lot of other people, and at some point in October someone will probably actually ask me if I’m in Redmond that week and fancy saying something. Just to save you from worrying, the answer is Yes and Yes.

Speakers, shmeakers… What do you care? The really, really important thing is that organizer Keith Pleas has managed to get Rogue Ales, makers of Dead Guy ale involved for a beer tasting. For those of you who don’t know the Pacific Northwest has more than its fair share of micro-brews and this stuff rocks.

See you there!

  1. 2 Responses to “Microsoft p&p Summit 2008 Announced”

  2. The would be our DEAD GUY ALE…
    Looking forward to pouring a little Northwest Nectar for you guys!
    Rogue Ales

    By Rogue Ales on Jul 16, 2008

  1. 1 Trackback(s)

  2. Aug 27, 2008: I’m speaking at Agile Development Practices 2008 | #2782 - Agile software development and best practices for building Microsoft .NET applications.

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