Archive for July, 2008

Bugaboos trip pictures published

Thursday, July 31st, 2008

My pictures from the Bugaboos are now online in my climbing web site's picture gallery. There's also a short write-up of the trip. We got quite a lot done and I'm back just in time to go to Toronto next week for Agile 2008, which promises to be a blast. I'm ...

Scrum Bestiary – The Cow

Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

Another addition to the Scrum Bestiary. So we all know about Scrum’s pigs and chickens and a while back I wrote about seagulls. What about cows? The big difference is that cows give milk, they will contribute to the team if asked. Chickens and seagulls never contribute they just get in ...

Rules for Music in the Team Room

Friday, July 25th, 2008

Playing music in your team room? Who gets to pick it and for how long? Here's the "rules" we use in the patterns & practices team rooms: Music rotates each hour Everyone gets an hour to play the music they want At the end of the hour someone else gets the next hour At ...

Software Development and Game Theory

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008

Alistair Cockburn (pronounced co-burn) maintains that software development is a cooperative game. Others have described software development as exactly the opposite, a game where the participants do not cooperate - see Analyzing Software Development as a Noncooperative Game (pdf). I think I'm with Alistair on this one while the alternative point of ...

No Slow Unit Tests with

Monday, July 21st, 2008

Ever discovered people on your team have gotten into the habit of writing slow unit tests? Tests that take half a minute to execute, that bog down both your development and your build server? With you can extend the Fact attribute to set the test timeout. In the example below ...