Archive for May, 2008
Friday, May 30th, 2008
Ajoy Krishnamoorthy pointed me at a great paper from Microsoft Research:
Usage and Perceptions of Agile Software Development in an Industrial Context: An Exploratory Study
There are lots of interesting pieces of data in this paper. Two things that really stood out were firstly that about a third of the survey's respondents ...
Tags: agile, Microsoft
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Wednesday, May 28th, 2008
I finished reading "Adaptive Engineering of Large Software Projects with Distributed/Outsourced Teams", Sutherland, Viktorov & Blount last night. The authors describe an Integrated Scrums model which deliberately splits Scrum teams across different geographical locations, rather than co-locating teams and using the scrum-of-scrums approach.
Tags: agile, Distributed teams, Scrum
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Monday, May 19th, 2008
In the course of surfing the web for related things I discovered a few more useful articles on distributing teams:
More on Distributed Teams - Ping Identity’s “Swarm” Model for Remote, Distributed Agile Development
Agile Project Management for Distributed Teams
Can distributed teams be agile?
InfoQ: Can Virtual Teams Ever Work?
Transitioning to Agile in ...
Tags: agile, Distributed teams
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Monday, May 19th, 2008
As you may have noticed I'd moved from using categories to using a tagging and tag cloud for my blog. Hopefully this will throw up some interesting new groupings of posts.
I've also added a Twitter icon. I got the Twitter icons from here.
Tags: Social networks, Twitter
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Thursday, May 15th, 2008
Here's the final abstract... Many agile teams use Continuous Integration (CI). It is one of the Extreme Programming practices and has been broadly adopted by the community [1]. Just how effective is it? Does the effort of maintaining the CI server and fixing build breaks save time compared to ...
Tags: agile, Continuous integration, Distributed teams, Events, p&p
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