Giving something back
Wednesday, October 24, 2007 – 3:53 PMI’ve been lucky enough to do a lot of travelling over the past twenty years; roaming across six continents and climbing mountains on five. Mountaineering often took me to remote areas. The sort of places where the things I usually take for granted just don’t exist; a warm bed, clean water, enough food to eat, medical care and schools.
One of the single coolest things Microsoft does is it’s Employee Giving Campaign. Each employee donations are matched dollar for dollar by Microsoft. Since the program started Microsoft and its employees have given $2.6 billion (that’s with a ‘b’) to charities worldwide.
So if, like me, you’re sitting in a nice warm office spend a few minutes thinking about those who are working a lot harder for a lot less and with a fewer opportunities to improve the situation.
(For those of you who work at Microsoft this year’s annual giving campaign winds up on Friday.)
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