Archive for August, 2006

In praise of ‘_’

Thursday, August 31st, 2006

I was talking to one of my Developers this afternoon about coding styles. This is one of the things we discussed. It's something you see a lot, CamelCased properties with associated pascalCased data members. public class MyClass {     private string myName; This is all well and good but it can lead to some insidious ...

“Fat Camp” Waddington

Monday, August 28th, 2006

  Back from "Fat Camp" Waddington. Climb on a diet of two granola bars, three PowerBars and half a freeze dried meal each day and you will loose weight, no question.   Call me a sad muppet but I spent our one bad weather day reading the second edition of "Extreme Programming Explained" ...

Code comments can smell pt II

Tuesday, August 8th, 2006

So I sent my code comments post to the developers in the VSTO PU... for their entertainment and edification. This got several people, including Eric onto other obvious code smells including; multiple if... else, switches and methods that take booleans. All of which boil down to methods that do more than one ...

Code comments can “smell” too

Tuesday, August 8th, 2006

I was writing some comments in my code the other day. Yes, I know first mistake – letting a manager write code. But you have to get past that. I was actually writing a comment. It said something like…  /// <summary> ///  This class rolls over old log files into a folder and writes ...

Takeaways from Agile 2006

Thursday, August 3rd, 2006

As some of you may know I’ve been at Agile 2006 for the last week. So while I was flying back I thought I’d write it up and pass on some stuff I learnt. These are an edited version of the notes I sent out to the VSTO Team. Some general ...