21 @ 50
A while back someone dumped a weight vest in one corner of the gym at CrossFit. If sort of lurks behind the dumbbells tempting you to pick it up. Of course getting 50lbs over your head turns out to be awkward at best. But a smack on the back of the neck is really just its way of saying “put me down, no good will come of this”.
The minute you do instantly you’re transformed to look just like Conan the Barbarian… but with a weight vest. OK, so now we’re all geared up in our homo-erotic splenditude, what next?
No question, the obvious answer is to continue the messed up destructive relationship with the pullup bar. And why not?!
It could be a lot worst. Ron couldn’t understand my “hell no!” response to some resistance sprints. That’s because them that haven’t done sprints don’t understand that it’s the trainer’s equivalent of a sucker punch. How hard can it be? As Ron discovered, plenty hard.
Alpine Man:
Is there any particular reason for this weight vest?? Home-erotic about sums it up – looks a bit like the old Legion of Doom wrestling stuff we had when we were kids.
17 April 2008, 4:26 am