More climbing blogs… not?

So having blogged a couple of times about climbing blogs I was shocked to discover that they come in three flavors; “good”, “bad” and now “not really a blog at all”. has these “pro Blogs” which aren’t really blogs at all. For blog read promotional press release.

I picked up this from the All Climbing blog, who obviously visits more frequently than I do and covers why these aren’t blogs pretty well. Climbing magazine’s degree of just not getting new media is funny. “Subscribe” still refers to the print magazine not an RSS feeds. How quaint!

Incidentally Alpinist has a readers blog although you have to login to post comments and it doesn’t support trackbacks. So not everyone in the publishing business doesn’t get the blog thing.

One Comment

  1. c1sc0:

    I love the sound of squirming old media editors as I sip coffee behind my RSS reader in the morning …

    Started building a list of climber blogs over here.

    To me, blogs are about *people*, not RSS feeds, trackbacks or other technical features. It’s funny how e.g. the blogspot crowd is doing a way better job than the climbing media.