25th September 2007, 06:40 pm
So I’m writing this from my private island recently purchased off the profits made from adding Google ads to my web site. No sooner had a put them up the money started just rolling in and by lunchtime I could afford half of Bolivia but I held off for a small island just off Maui.
OK, so not quite. Hopefully the ads aren’t so annoying that you’ll stop reading and they might just pay for my hosting costs. Maybe not but it did kill a few hours I would only have spent working for the man.
On a different, even more humorous note… For those of you interested in decipering some of those unique English phrases, as used in the UK, you might want to check out my new BritSpeak series, a guide to understatement, on my other blog.
21st September 2007, 10:19 pm
The blog simply isn’t funny enough. Dammit. Why can’t I write like the Fat Cyclist? Fatty is not just funny he’s eloquent to boot. Fatty even gets paid to write stuff.
Oh and in case you didn’t know I’ll let you in on a secret… “Fatty” is not the least bit fat. A couple of years back he graced us with his presence at the SIR 100K Populaire, a hilly sufferfest around the Issaquah Alps. If that’s fat then I’m morbidly obese. He also dropped me before we even reached the first climb, something I will never forgive him for.
Forthwith… let there be more humor on Alpine Climbing.
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13th September 2007, 03:52 pm
I’m a big fan of John’s photos and blogged about the latest batch a while back. John’s finally got the recognition he deserved with a full feature article of aerial alpine porn in Alpinist 21. You can check out more of his photos on his web site too.
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12th September 2007, 04:34 pm
I bought a Black Diamond Firstlight tent for my Peru trip. We ended up using it for all our overnight ventures, logging about ten nights in it. Previously I’ve also used a friend’s Firstlight for weekends in the North Cascades in both summer and winter. I thought it would be worth writing a brief review of it here.
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10th September 2007, 08:58 am
So having blogged a couple of times about climbing blogs I was shocked to discover that they come in three flavors; “good”, “bad” and now “not really a blog at all”. Climbing.com has these “pro Blogs” which aren’t really blogs at all. For blog read promotional press release.
I picked up this from the All Climbing blog, who obviously visits climbing.com more frequently than I do and covers why these aren’t blogs pretty well. Climbing magazine’s degree of just not getting new media is funny. “Subscribe” still refers to the print magazine not an RSS feeds. How quaint!
Incidentally Alpinist has a readers blog although you have to login to post comments and it doesn’t support trackbacks. So not everyone in the publishing business doesn’t get the blog thing.
8th September 2007, 04:16 pm
The World Map now works in the latest version of FireFox ( It’s been bugging me for a while and presumably the 22% of people who read my site with FireFox have noticed too.
This also served to remind me that cross browser scripting is about as much fun as a trip to the dentist.
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7th September 2007, 09:04 pm
So the motivation is finally starting to return. I went to CrossFit on Friday for the second time in a week. I tried to go back just after I got back from Peru while I was still sick. I ended up sitting on the grass half way through a mile run with cramps so bad I couldn’t stand. Not pretty.
Going back is tough. I launch into workouts and start to bonk halfway through them. Weight that didn’t feel like weight before is crushing now. Movements that I remember as easy feel awkward and stiff. I figure it’ll take a month.
Welcome to the Suck…
The moral of this sad little tale is. If you’re going to quit CF then quit for good. But if you really have to come back then pace yourself and don’t expect much when you start.
3rd September 2007, 02:20 pm
More updates to the Peru gallery. I’ve added pictures of our climb of Pisco Oeste and a somewhat less successful visit to the Ishinca area. That’s pretty much all the pictures online now.
Over the winter I might try and get some of my slides from trips to Bolivia and Ecuador back in the 90s scanned. One of the interesting things about this trip was seeing how much South America has changed in the last decade.
2nd September 2007, 09:23 pm
Back in May I posted a list of climbing blogs. Since then I’ve found some more…
Dave MacLeod Climbing
Online Climbing Coach
The Mountain World
Mount Rainier Climbing
I actually came across a couple more but they were either about Everest (yawn) or not that exciting. It turns out you can be a really good climber but this isn’t reflected in your blogging. Ho hum…