How to suck at CrossFit

Or… How a load of M&Ms can cost you over a minute of your life.

  1. Work late.
  2. Get up early.
  3. Spend the entire day from nine until six in meetings with no chance to eat right.
  4. Live off coffee and M&Ms for most of the day.
  5. Make sure a few of the meetings are “awkward” just to get you nice and stressed.
  6. Show up late and miss the warm up.

I can pretty much guarantee that half way through the second run on Helen* you’ll feel like I did. Shite. I thought I was going to have to sit down and quit – luckily I’m way pig headed so I finished just about. 10 minutes and change – slightly over a minute worse than my best time. Lost forever.

Pity because I’ve actually been making pretty good progress on the whole Paleo Diet thing over the last week or two – more on that later.

“You are what you eat”

* Helen: 3 x (400m run, 21 x 56lb kettle ball swings, 12 x pullup)


  1. carrie:

    GIGO, indeed.

  2. Alpine Climbing » Blog Archive » Fight gone really bad… almost:

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